
The disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him and placed the child among them. And he said: ““Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” Matthew 18:1-5 (ESV)

PCC Kids meet at 10:00 am each week. Please stop by the check-in kiosk inside the cafeteria before dropping off your child(ren).

Join the PCC Kids Ministry Team

Kids’ ministry is home to the greatest in the kingdom. When you welcome kids, you are welcoming Jesus in our midst. When you encourage their praise and join in their worship, you are bringing the kingdom to life in real-time because you are “letting the children come to Jesus.” When you make space for their questions, their ideas, and their wonder, you make space for the Holy Spirit to whisper truth to this generation of world changers. When you’re intentional about kneeling down, whether praying or playing, you see and hear with the eyes and ears of our heavenly Father, who celebrates the little ones and invites you to do the same. No matter your involvement level or abilities, what you do impacts our kids and the kingdom today.

As we continue to see more families coming back or joining us for the first time, we need more leaders to invest in our kids of all ages.

  • Large Group Leaders (Preschool, Elementary)
  • Small Group Leaders (Preschool, Elementary)
  • Nursery & Toddlers Leaders
  • Welcome & Safety Team
  • Substitute
  • Buddy for Kids with Special Needs
  • Set-Up & Tear-Down Team

For more information, please fill out the PCC Kids Ministry Interest Form

We Are Also Online

Pacific Crossroads Kids went online in March 2020. While many families have returned to in-person gathering, some families view our online lessons. Online lessons are a great way to stay current with our lesson series when you’re out of town, sick at home, or unable to attend church in person for various reasons. Below, you will find videos for streaming for Early Childhood (Preschool-Kindergarten) and Elementary (1st – 5th Grade). Online lessons for PCC Kids will remain accessible until June 23.

Follow us on Instagram (@pcc_kidmin) to stay up-to-date on all our upcoming events and activities. You can also feel free to tag us with ideas we can share with the rest of the community or stories of God Sightings (seeing God actively working in and around us).


Early Childhood Weekly Video Lesson (Preschool-Kindergarten)

Online lessons for PCC Kids will remain accessible until June 23.

This week’s video: Perseverance – James 1 (Weekend of June 23, 2024) -Click HERE

In order to stay within the copyright laws along with permissions from the creators of content, each weekend’s online lessons will be made available for one week beginning Saturday morning and going into the weekend. The videos are also password protected and only available to stream. If you have not received a password via email, please email Gloria (


Elementary Weekly Video Lesson (1st - 5th Grade)

Online lessons for PCC Kids will remain accessible until June 23.

This week's video: Perseverance - James 1 (Weekend of June 23, 2024) - Click HERE

In order to stay within the copyright laws along with permissions from the creators of content, each weekend’s online lessons will be made available for one week beginning Saturday morning going into the weekend. The videos are also password protected and only available to stream. If you have not received a password via email, please email Gloria (


We believe that baptism is a rich and beautiful sacrament instituted by Jesus Himself to bless and encourage His people.

Contact Shawn Gendall to register for the online baptism course