About Us

Our Mission Statement

Renewing Los Angeles
through a movement of the Gospel
in both word and deed
for all of life
with roots for all generations

A Timeline of Our Church

1998 Planting of Pacific Crossroads and Calling of Bill Powis as Founding Pastor.
2000 Move to University High School
2005 New Church Plant: King’s Church of Long Beach
2006 Calling of Rankin Wilbourne as Senior Pastor
2009 Launch of Second Morning Service and Installation of First Elders
2010 Launch of 5pm Downtown Service at St. John’s Cathedral.
2010 Move to John Adams Middle School
2012 Move to Santa Monica High School
2016 New Church Plant: The Way Church of San Gabriel Valley
2019 New Church Plant: King’s Cross Church of South Bay
2020 Calling of Paul Hahn as Interim Pastor
2023 New Church Plant: Orchard Church of Eagle Rock
2023 Calling of Alex Watlington as Senior Pastor

Throughout its history, PCC has sought to serve the needs of Los Angeles through the partnerships of Hope for Los Angeles, impacting homelessness, loving foster youth, and lifting up families in need. The church also supports gospel-centered ministry through the Center for Faith and Work, and Reformed University Fellowship at USC and UCLA. Our global outreach ministry works alongside partners to encourage the work of God’s global church by sending and supporting short-term and long-term missionaries.

We prioritize church planting, global cities, and indigenous leadership in the areas of Asia Pacific, Central Asia, and Europe. In every season our mission has remained steadfast: to gather, grow, and send forth strong disciples of Jesus for the glory of God, motivated by the Gospel of Grace because He first loved us.

Reconciliation Communication to PCC Community

Over the past 5 years many of you lost your community, friends, and sense of home in this church. The recent history related to issues over former Senior Pastor Rankin Wilbourne, his subsequent departure from our church, and those who were hurt by him, has remained ambiguous for many and, therefore, unresolved for all. In a desire for resolution and reconciliation, we want to communicate vital things that faded into the COVID-19 pandemic and have remained around us. Our purpose in this letter is not to provide every detail or to try to provide a full record of the situation (we acknowledge our inability to do so); rather, our goal is to share that the situation was more dire than what we communicated in the past, acknowledge the pain and loss our church has experienced and express our sorrow for our deep failures in a posture of repentance towards the pain that was caused.

Our Affiliation and Beliefs

Pacific Crossroads Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America, a Reformed denomination rooted in the life-giving gospel, faithful to the Scriptures, and committed to church planting and missions throughout the world. Whether or not you are familiar with the Reformed faith or Christianity, whether you are a believer or a skeptic, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome at Pacific Crossroads Church.

Pacific Crossroads Church is part of the Pacific Presbytery, a regional church body in our denomination. It consists of all PCA churches and church plants in the following counties: Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Inyo, Kern, San Bernardino, and Clark County (NV).

Our Leadership

Throughout the Bible, God sets apart leaders to care for and serve His people, yet leadership in the Bible is distinctively different. Leaders in the church are called to serve, under God, to equip and build up others (Ephesians 4:11-12). The Bible lays out two main offices of leadership in the local church: elders and deacons.


The biblical picture of elders is found in 1 Timothy 3, Acts 20, and Titus 1. At Pacific Crossroads, elders are trained to see themselves primarily as shepherds (1 Peter 5) who lead, feed, know, and protect those entrusted to their care. To contact our elders email: pccelders@pacificcrossroads.org

Current Ruling Elders

Steve Lindsey
Glyn Milburn
Sean Ozbolt
Dan Wu

Brian Shim
Harold Shin
Luke Walker

Current Teaching Elders

Alex Watlington
Shawn Gendall


The biblical picture of deacons is found in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3. The title deacon comes from the Greek word for “servant.” Deacons at Pacific Crossroads serve the church in a variety of capacities. They assist the elders of the church in diverse areas such as the Finance Team, Operations, Mercy Ministry, and Congregational Care.

“Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:42-45