Serve the World

Global Outreach

God loves people the most out of all of His creation. Our global outreach ministry works alongside partners around the world to encourage the work of God’s global church by sending and supporting short-term and long-term missionaries. We prioritize church planting, global cities, and indigenous leadership in the areas of Asia Pacific, Central Asia, and Europe.


2024 Global Missions

We affirm the value and strategic importance of short-term mission trips. We coordinate trips to serve and work alongside our long-term mission partners around the world that work strategically with indigenous church planting movements.

Central Asian Partnership

Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country located in Central Asia, bordering on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. The population is overwhelmingly Muslim, with only a very small percentage identifying themselves as Christian.

In 2024, our partnership with the Kyrgyz church will continue with a short-term mission trip in July to assist Word of Life Church with their annual kids’ summer camp. Our goal is to support the local church in sharing the love of Jesus in tangible ways, by loving their neighbors through providing a free, month-long summer camp with meals, activities, sports, crafts, English lessons, and other benefits. Local families often have 2 working parents and cannot afford childcare in the summer, so the kids camp is a tremendous help to these families.

In the past, more than 100 kids enrolled in the month-long camp, and Word of Life relies on volunteers to help oversee and fund the program. PCC will support the church in week 3 of the summer camp taking place July 22 – 26, 2024. The camp is provided purely as a service, with no strings attached, although camp attendees and their families will be invited to attend weekly church services if they wish.

Who Should Participate in Future Trips: Anyone with a willingness to serve God in Kyrgyzstan, either in person or by providing financial resources to support the camp and/or prayer for the camp, our guests, our hosts, and the mission team. The trip is open to individuals and families with pre-teen / teen children.

We had a team of 7 travel to Bishkek, Krygyzstan in July 2023 to support one of our global partners with their kids summer camp. Watch this recap video from their memorable week in Krygyzstan. We hope you will consider joining us on a short-term mission trip in the future.

“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15



We are all in prayer over the events in Ukraine asking God to intercede and for the hostility to stop. We are also witnessing the devastating loss of life and property and are wondering how the church can be the church in this time of crisis.

As a first step towards this goal, the mission’s team has made two donations. The first was to Feed My Starving Children for $10,000.00. This donation will provide over 41,000 meals to help feed the Ukrainian refugees. The second donation was made to Justin Williams (Mission Dispatch), who is one of our supported missionaries, serving in the Ukraine.

If you are seeking ways to assist in humanitarian efforts related to the Crisis in Ukraine, Mission to the World and Feed My Starving Children are two organizations assisting with efforts on the group. Watch the video below and click the links to learn more about their work in Ukraine.



Stephen and Charity Jones
Serge – London, England
Give: Serge

Central Asia

Sasha and Olga Kim
Youth for Christ – Kyrgyzstan
Give: Youth for Christ
(Search for “Sasha Kim”)

Artem and Sasha Magay
Youth for Christ – Central Asia
Give: Email Artem (above)

South America

Francis Castañeda
iCafe Church – Lima, Peru
Give: email Francis (above)


Asia Pacific

Nurdin and Victoria Djumataev
Orphanos – Thailand
Give: Orphanos
(Search for “KG Ministry”)

Mark and Rachel Kim
Christ Bible Institute – Nagoya, Japan
Give: Mission to the World

Gary and Lois Watanabe
Mission to the World – Nagoya, Japan
Give: Mission to the World

Seima and Naoko Aoyagi
Grace Harbor Church – Tokyo, Japan
Give: Presbyterian Mission International
(Search for “Aoyagi, Seima & Naoko”)

K and J (initials used for protection) 
CRU – Asia

R and R (initials used for protection)
CRU – Asia



Church Planting 

We believe that the church is the primary, God-ordained means for Christian witness… It is through the planting, nurturing and reproduction of vibrant, contextualized and missional churches that the gospel of Christ is proclaimed and incarnated to those who have yet heard or believed. And it is the church, in all its imperfections, that is Christ’s Bride and Body, and that indeed bears in its’ life, the presence of the Kingdom.”

Biblical References:Acts 2;Matthew 18:20; 1 Corinthians 12:12;Ephesians 1:18-23 & 2:19-22

Global Cities 

A global city refers to a center with high diversity in language, culture, religion, and ideologies of at least a million people. “A city church of 100 can have ten or more countries in the membership. City churches are hubs, ‘worldwide webs’ of relationships that link back to family or colleagues… We are committed to global cities of strategic importance, because our [church] in Los Angeles was planted as such. God has given us a heart for the unreached and marginalized within our own city, and as we seek to be a light to our city we desire to be that for our world beyond.”

Biblical ReferencesEphesians 4:11-13; 2 Timothy 4:2; Acts 20:28; Isaiah 52:7

Indigenous Leadership 

We believe that nationals are the most effective witnesses to their native cultures, and so we seek to partner with individuals and ministries that focus on training, equipping, empowering, and serving indigenous believers to reach their own for Christ… We simply believe that the most strategic way to reach those suburban and rural communities is to have vital, missional, gospelcentered,indigenous church planting movements in urban centers in the world.” 

Biblical ReferencesMatthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15

(Quotes taken from PCC’s Global Missions Manual, 2016)