Serve the World

Global Outreach

God loves people the most out of all His creation. Our global outreach ministry works alongside partners around the world to encourage the work of God’s global church by sending and supporting short- and long-term missionaries. We prioritize church planting, global cities, and indigenous leadership in the areas of Asia Pacific, Central Asia, and Europe. We also affirm the value of short-term mission trips, and coordinate trips to serve alongside our mission partners. The sections below have info on our current mission trip offerings, and our global outreach priorities.

Summer 2025 Central Asian Partnership

Central Asia is an oasis located at the confluence of Russia, China, and the Middle East – three regions of the world that are antagonistic to western influences, including Christianity. This region is also on the edge of the 10/40 window, the part of the world with the least-evangelized nations. PCC has strong relationships with partners in Kyrgyzstan, and those partnerships have included sending short-term mission trips in multiple summers.

Sasha Kim, our mission partner for over 10 years, lives in Kyrgyzstan’s capital city of Bishkek, where he is the Senior Pastor of Word of Life Church and works with Youth for Christ International to plant churches and spread the gospel throughout Central Asia. Sasha and his staff organize many outreach events throughout the year, such as seasonal kids’ camps, youth retreats, worship conferences, and other targeted seminars.

This summer, Pastor Sasha has asked PCC to help run a Marriage and Family Seminar with members of their local church community. This event will focus on Christian relationships & child-raising in a cross-cultural context – how to apply Gospel principles within Kyrgyzstan’s social fabric. In 2017, PCC also took part in a similar event, and it was a great success. Even 7 years later, they still mention how transformative that 2017 retreat was!

Trip Focus:  Marriage and Family Seminar with families in the local community, July 23-26. This trip is open to kids! (with parental discretion). Middle and high school are a great time to introduce them to mission trips.

Proposed Trip Dates:  July 19-27, 2025 (arrive in country on July 21)

Trip Cost: Approximately $2,750 per person (Depending on cost of travel). PCC will provide fundraising options.

Submit an Application Today:

Who Should Participate: MFTs, Couples/families with experience or an interest in cross-cultural ministry, and those who are open to the challenge of examining their relationships alongside our Central Asian friends. If you are unable to travel, we have an unlimited number of spots on our valuable stateside prayer and support team!

Tentative Schedule:
07/19 (Sat) – Depart LAX, connect to Bishkek (FRU) via Dubai or Istanbul
07/21 (Mon) – Arrive Bishke
07/22 (Tues) – acclimate, meet with YFC/church staff, sightseeing, teambuilding
07/23 – 7/26 (Wed – Sat) – Participate in Marriage/Family Retreat
07/27 (Sun) – Travel back to LAX

Important Dates –
Application Due: March 28th, 2025. Approval is based upon ministry needs and qualifications, number of applicants, and personal history. After acceptance, we ask for a $300 non-refundable deposit.

Kyrgyzstan Team Training Dates (TBD): In the coming months, we plan to have 3 mandatory training dates for our team to meet, enjoy a meal together, learn about Kyrgyzstan, and discuss the seminar curriculum and other planning details. After the team roster is finalized, we will organize and communicate these events.

For a sneak peek, watch this recap video from our memorable week participating in the summer kids’ camp in 2023. We hope you will consider joining us on a short-term mission trip in the future!

For any questions, please email us at


If you are interested in going on this short-term mission trip, a deposit of $300 is due with your application by Sunday, March 28. Click the links below to fill out the application form. We will follow up with information on how to register for the trip and pay your deposit as well as completd a background check form. Applicants will not be considered until the entire application has been received.

Short-term Mission Trip Application
PCC Short-term Missions FAQ

If you have any questions, please contact the PCC Missions Team. Team members will begin meeting soon.



Stephen and Charity Jones
Serge – London, England
Give: Serge

Central Asia

Sasha and Olga Kim
Youth for Christ – Kyrgyzstan
Give: Youth for Christ
(Search for “Sasha Kim”)

Artem and Sasha Magay
Youth for Christ – Central Asia
Give: Email Artem (above)

Asia Pacific

Mark and Rachel Kim
Christ Bible Institute – Nagoya, Japan
Give: Mission to the World

Josh Curl
Mission to the World – Tokyo, Japan
Give: Mission to the World

Seima and Naoko Aoyagi
Grace Harbor Church – Tokyo, Japan
Give: Presbyterian Mission International
(Search for “Aoyagi, Seima & Naoko”)

K and J (initials used for protection) 
CRU – Asia

R and R (initials used for protection)
CRU – Asia


Church Planting with Indigenous Leadership 
We focus on partnerships with individuals and ministries whose primary focus is to ignite and sustain indigenous church planting movements.

We believe that the church is the primary, God-ordained means for Christian witness. While there are many worthy para-church ministries and organizations, our ministry focus will center on the church. It is through the planting, nurturing and reproduction of vibrant, contextualized and missional churches that the gospel of Christ is proclaimed to those who have not yet heard or believed. And it is the church, in all its imperfections, that is Christ’s Bride and bears the presence of the Kingdom.

We will also prioritize those partnerships committed to indigenous church planting movements. We believe that nationals are the most effective witnesses to their native cultures, and we seek to partner with individuals and ministries that focus on training, empowering, and serving indigenous believers to share Jesus with their own people.

References:Acts 2;Matthew 18:20; 1 Corinthians 12:12;Ephesians 1:18-23 & 2:19-22

Global Cities 
We seek partnerships in global cities of strategic influence.

The world’s urbanization is a well-documented ongoing trend. Considering this, we believe that to reach nations with the Gospel, we must reach emerging city centers. This is not to neglect suburban or rural communities; we simply believe that the most strategic way to reach those communities is to have vital, missional, and gospel-centered indigenous church planting movements in urban centers worldwide. A city church of 100 can have ten or more countries represented in its members. City churches are hubs, worldwide webs of relationships linking back to family or colleagues in other countries. If we penetrate cities, the gospel will travel. Large cities are both magnets – drawing people into them – and magnifiers – broadcasting the gospel outwards.

Cities are also centers of political, economic, intellectual and cultural influence, and they exert that influence locally and globally. It is crucial to saturate these cities with churches that worship the living God – communities whose manner of living serves as a prophetic critique of modern idolatries, that have the courage and wisdom to engage in the dominant culture with discernment, and that, in their weakness and loving service, can transform these cities in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our focus on global cities is not simply a matter of seeking to reach the elite; in many ways, it is the exact opposite. Just as cities are centers of power and influence, they are also centers for injustice, poverty, racism, violence, and immorality. These are not absent in non-urban settings, but they exist and are perpetuated to far greater degrees in cities. Our focus is to reach the poor and the marginalized, the immigrant and the ethnic outsider.

Finally, we are committed to global cities of strategic importance because our PCC community in Los Angeles was planted as such. God has given us a heart for the unreached and marginalized within our own city, and as we seek to be a light here, we desire to do the same for our world.

ReferencesEphesians 4:11-13; 2 Timothy 4:2; Acts 20:28; Isaiah 52:7

Short-term Missions 
Christian communities worldwide are studying the gospel and learning how to apply it in their lives and be a witness to their un-reached neighbors – and that’s a team effort! PCC is committed to utilizing short-term mission trips as a means of deepening our relationships with our existing long-term mission partners. We believe that there is great potential for this effort when it is done thoughtfully and respectfully, and to that end, we coordinate trips to serve our partners in a culturally appropriate manner. Our aim is to contribute to the work in which they are already engaged and will continue to be engaged after we leave. We will serve as Christ first served us – out of unconditional love and acceptance – and we will take on the posture of being learners, seeking to understand the uniqueness of God’s people and cultures.

We are committed to developing people, not programs. We believe that locals can impact their communities more effectively than foreigners can, and therefore, we seek to build relationships with the local team members and develop key leaders within their community to empower their own self-sustaining gospel movements.

PCC Short-Term Missions FAQ

(Text adapted from PCC’s Global Missions Manual, 2024)