How do I give to this special offering?
On April 16th, during the Easter Sunday services offering time, 100% of the funds that come into the offering baskets will directly fund our invisible(s) campaign to support foster kids in LA – specifically to supply 1,000 duffle bags for children and to send 70 teens to summer camp. Our goal is to raise $71,000.
Please bring cash or checks made out to ‘Pacific Crossroads Church.’ Online giving will not go toward the invisible(s) campaign.
What will PCC do with any extra funds?
If we receive more than what is needed to accomplish these goals, we have clear plans to use the funds to care for foster kids in other critical ways.
What if I miss the Easter offering, can I still give?
If you’d like to donate specifically to this campaign, your gift must be made in the offering on Easter Sunday. Please make plans to be present or have someone bring your gift that day.